IKON Applier Lelutka - Fearless Eyes - Eternal > Alpha Event until April 18
25 colors to choose from!
Sold individually and in packs. Each purchase includes BOM/System eyes and Lelutka Evo/X appliers.
leLAPEAU - Evo X - Ella Skin - GA L005 > Kustom9 until April 10
Available in GA and VL skintones ( worn in GA 005)
Includes skin head option brows, brow toner black and gray options, 5 lip toner ( worn 001), brow shape, shape Ella.
NOIR - Embroidery top
Fatpack 9 pattern options by hud
Bombshell, Larax, Legacy/petite/perky, Maitreya, Reborn/Waifus
Swallow^^ Gauged XL
[piXit] Spiritual Gauges > Tres Chic until April 12
Male/Female Gauged XL
Hud fatpack 44 crystal colors, 8 tunnel colors .
:::NOIR::: Isis Bracelets
Nives: Eve Bento Ultra Stiletto Mesh Nails > Exclusive for eBody REBORN Event until April 7
Belleza, Belleza Gen X Classic & Curvy, Inithium Kupra & Kups, Kalhene Erika, Legacy, Maitreya & Maitreya X, Slink, eBody Reborn, Yentements BBL
*Minois*La ruelle