jeudi 9 janvier 2020

Livia, Stargazer Creations, Zibska, Eyelure, The MakeOver Room.

 LIVIA::Tessa Eyes -Omega - NEW - > The MakeOver Room open January 2nd - 25th
* 10 eyecolors
* genus, Catwa, AkDel, Omega and classic
StarGazer Creations Saria Metallic Lips Beryl> The MakeOver Room open January 2nd - 25th
* BOM 6 colors
StarGazer Creations Oriole Face Jewels BOM Turquoise> The MakeOver Room open January 2nd - 25th
* BOM 9 colors
Zibska Vitalia Eyemakeup 09> The MakeOver Room open January 2nd - 25th
* BOM 12 colors, Appliers Catwa, Genus, Laq, Lelutka and Omega.
Eyelure Heart Crop Sweater Maitreya
* Belleza, Tonic, Ebody, Slink, Maitreya.
* Fatpack Hud driven 10 colors

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