samedi 9 décembre 2023

Wow Skins, Eternity, Cazimi, Glorious Days

 Lelutka Head  EvoX Avalon 3.1
Minois Shape Ophelie  LeLUTKA Avalon 3.1
5 large dragon eye applicators, in intense colors: intense light blue, brown, yellow with red, emerald green and blue with gray flakes
You can apply color to the right eye, left eye, or both.
A different color in each eye or both the same color
Works on Lelutka Evolution and EvoX
Wow Skins VELOUR  MAGDA skin & shape (EVO-X)
Lelutka EVO X, Catwa Evox, AK ADVX
Available in different skintones, option brows.( worn in rose kiss)
Different body/head shapes ( worn in Legacy/Avalon)
Eyeliner and chest freckles ( eyeliner worn)
Stealthic - Sizzle
CAZIMI: Raw Earring > Glorious Days Dec 8 - 11
Unrigged mesh earrings.
Coal & raw metals 8 metals, 10 rocks

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