mercredi 22 mai 2024

Nuve, VelvetVue, Kumiho, Noir, Sabbath Event, Wild West by Shotgun. Pop Up Events

 Lelutka  EvoX Head Billie 4
Minois Shape Gina Lelutka Billie Head
Nuve. Cara Eyebrows black - Evo X
[ VelvetVue ] Lunar Eyes > Sabbath Event until June 11th
16 eye colors, 2 scleras, HD appliers Lelutka and BOM layers
[ VelvetVue ] Versatile Eyeliner
8 design options - Lelutka EVOX HD
[ VelvetVue ] Bloody Mary Lipstick > Sabbath Event until June 11th
5 color options, bloody lipes/simple lips, Lelutka EVOX HD
KUMIHO Bull Skull Septum > Wild West by Shotgun. Pop Up Events open May 19th until June 6th
16 metals, tint option
Genus Morph, Genus Male, Lelutka F/M, unrigged
//LEX// - miHD ears - (F)
KUMIHO Tumbleweed Plugs > Wild West by Shotgun. Pop Up Events open May 19th until June 6th
Show/hide R and L
Andore Lex Max, Genus Morph/ Male, Swallow X/XL F/M
NOIR - The Ominous collar
Fatpack with 20 colors hud driven
Comes with rlv and not scripted
[Yomi] Sachiko Hair

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