vendredi 21 juin 2024

Nuve, Purplemoon, Sigma Jewels, Tres Chic Event, WIP Event

 GENUS MORPH - LipMorph Natural / EyeMorph Almond/ NoseMorph Straight/Head base Oval
Nuve. Emma skin (Velour) Genus MORPH
8 skintones Velours, option Brows, ( worn in Icy)
Also available in fantasy skintones
eyebrow shape, shape genus morph, skin tinter
Nuve. Desire Eyelashes - Genus MORPH
6 types of eyelashes, 3 types of bottom lashes, appliers
compatible lelutka EVO X and Genus Morph heads
WINGSDG Hair -Group-Gift-002
:: pm :: Monica Set > WIP Event until June 23
Includes blazer, bra, skirt and pantie
Available in 12 colors + 2 exclusive colours exclusive to the Megapack. Compatible with Maitreya+Petite, Lara X+Petite x, Legacy+Perky, Reborn+Waifu, Genx Classic and Genx curvy
SIGMA Coral bib necklace > Très Chic Event until July 12
Coral elements with optional seahorse figure for this statement bib neckace.
HUD controlled with several striking shades on.
Sizes: Legacy, MaitreyaX, Reborn, GenX, Prima, Unskinned.

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