mardi 9 juillet 2024

Ikon, enLight, amias, Sigma, Kinky Event, Uber Event, Cosmopolitan Event, Dubai Event.

 Lelutka HEAD / EvoX Avalon 4.0
IKON Exalted Eyes> Kinky Event until July 22
35 gorgeous colors to choose from
Sold individually and in packs.
Each purchase includes BOM/System eyes and Lelutka Evo/X appliers.
enLight JUE *Head skins* BOM (EvoX) > EXCLUSIVE Uber Event until July 22nd.
Available in 12 skintones option brows ( dark and lighter) - ear BOM layer
- worn in toast -
enLight JUE Shapes (Lelutka Avalon)
also available for Lelutka Fleur heads
amias - AMARI2 dress > Cosmopolitan Event until July 20th
Lara & Petite, LaraX & PetiteX, Legacy & Perky, Reborn & Waifu
fatpack hud driven with choice of many colors
SIGMA Wheat earrings > Dubai Event until July 15
Unskinned, hud with choice of colors

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