mardi 10 septembre 2024

Ikon, Leronso, Virtual Diva, Sigma, piXit poses, Fameshed Event

 Lelutka HEAD / EvoX Noel 4.0
IKON Splendor Eyes - earth > Fameshed Event until September 27
35 richly detailed colors
Sold individually and in packs.
Each purchase includes BOM/System eyes and Lelutka Evo/X appliers.
[LERONSO] NAIMA skin for Lelutka EVO X
in different skin tones ( worn in truffles) option brows
shape, eyebrow shape, ear layers,
[LERONSO] Realistic body skin v3 - Truffles
*Vanity Hair*:Eleven
Virtual Diva Aida - legacy
Available in different colors and textures
Bombshell, Kupra, Larax, Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn
SIGMA/ Ornate bangles
[piXit] Anouk - Pose Pack

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