Lelutka head Bento 3.3
Shape : my own [Glam Affair] Nicky [ Lelutka] Applier
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1 - feet high- Bento Hands
Exile:: Monet
!!smesh ~Plaid Outfit - Maitreya - NEW* Includes Blouse over shirt and plaid skirt.
* Slink, Maitreya, Belleza, Tonic,
* Hud driven with 8 textures for shirt and skirt, 8 colors for blouse.
Elle Boutique - Wynter Bento Rings - SL Shop and Hop Event > January 4
* Fitted for Maitreya and Slink Dyn Hands
* Hud driven 10 metal and 12 stone textures
* Individual on/off and texture change.
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